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Need a Dig Permit?

In addition to the space and room archives this department oversees campus site utility mapping and issues Digging Permits. All activities which require digging (disturbing soil below the surface) on any properties owned and maintained by WFU require the application for an issuance of a WFU digging certificate.

Fill Out your Dig Permit Request Form below.

To show your digging location, download the map attached here, draw your digging location on the map with a software program of your choice, save the document, and attach the saved file to the form below. If your digging location only requires a small portion of the map, zoom into the area needed and use the PRINT SCREEN function to copy as an image.  From there you can paste it into a document or image editing tool, edit, and finally save it.

Work Order Request

Work Order Requests are processed Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

For immediate assistance or emergencies, contact us immediately at 336.758.4255.