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The Horticulture Team is responsible for flower and shrub maintenance, flower bed design and planting, container plantings, mulching and weed control in landscaped areas. They also plant trees, assist with leaf removal, install new landscape plantings and help out with special events. Relying on a variety of best management and sustainable practices including the use of compost ensures a beautiful vibrant campus landscape. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is used to minimize pesticide applications while maintaining healthy plantings.

In order to maintain year-round color, annual flower beds are changed twice annually. Seasonal perennials, ornamental grasses, ferns, groundcovers, flowering shrubs and bulbs are planted to create inviting and beautiful gardens. A wide range of species, varieties and cultivars are grown ensuring seasonal interest while providing great genetic diversity. Emphasis is placed on using native species to promote and preserve diverse native fauna. The Winston Hall rain garden, a certified Monarch Waystation installed and maintained by the Horticulture team, serves as an outdoor classroom.