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The Central Heating Plant is the primary source of steam and serves most of campus through over a mile of utility tunnels.  The plant is original to campus and houses three steam boilers that provide steam for heat and hot water to campus.  Boiler 1 and Boiler 2, which are also original to campus, are 1950’s vintage Erie City Iron Works water tube boilers capable of producing 50,000 lbs of steam per hour each.  Boiler 3 was added in 2013 and is a fire tube with 20,000 lbs per hour capacity.  The University also has a plant on the North East edge of campus with smaller steam boilers, bringing our total connected campus capacity to approximately 130,000 lbs per hour.  Plans are in place to add a fourth boiler, which will duplicate Boiler 3 and give the plant capacity to consider replacing one of the original boilers.

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